Motorcycle accidents
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Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycle accidents nearly always involve fatal, life-threatening, or very serious and permanent injuries – even for helmeted riders who wear all of the protective gear. Indeed, motorcyclists are significantly overrepresented in fatal collisions with the likelihood of a fatality 28 times greater for motorcyclists than for persons in passenger vehicles. This statistic is based on a per mile traveled analysis, the results of which were published in a recent report including 2017 data by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA). Though the report references a high number of motorcycle crashes wherein alcohol, distraction and riders’ age were thought to play a part, many times the motorcyclist has done nothing wrong at all and the crash simply is due to the fact that the vehicle operator was not watching for motorcyclists and did not see them, – a/k/a SMIDSY which stands for “Sorry Mate I didn’t See You.” We are prepared to handle the biases against motorcycles and their riders and to challenge the myth that helmets prevent all head injuries. The sad fact is, they can’t and they don’t.
As an active motorcycle enthusiast with extensive experience handling many different kinds ofmotorcycleaccidents, Jeannete Lewis understands all of the legal and technical issues associated with motorcycle collisions and crashes, including human factors, bike operation, the environment, lighting, and lines of sight.
In addition to finding out what happened and what caused it, our main priority at Lewis Legal Group is you and your well-being. One of the ways in which we demonstrate our commitment to you and your case is by providing you and your case with personal, hands on attention andin providing you with information, explaining the steps and next steps, as well as what is occurring and why. These all are ways we strive to earn your trust.
Have you or your loved one been in a motorcycle accident and believe it was not your or their fault? We can help. We focus on building your case to get the compensation you deserve so you can focus on your recovery.
Notable cases include:
Cuquejo v. Olortegi – $12.5 Million Settlement (Miami-Dade County)
Mr. Olortegi turned left to cross the southbound lanes of US1 and in so doing crossed in front of a southbound motorcycle ridden by 19 year oldCuquejo. Cuquejo’s motorcycle collided with the passenger side of the Olortegi’s pick up truck which overturned with the force of the impact. Cuquejo was ejected and in the process his helmet came off. Young Mr. Cuquejo suffered a severe, traumatic brain injury that left him permanently in a vegetated state. Mr. Olortegi’s insurance company refused to tender the $10,000.00 of bodily injury limits which under Florida law, Jeannete Lewis argued constituted “bad faith” insurance practices. Suit was filed and the case was settled at mediation for well above the policy limits.
King v. ABC Driver Company; and XYZ Express Delivery Company – $7.6 Million Settlement (Volusia County)
This case presents the perfect example of why choosing a legally knowledgeable, resourceful,and skilled attorney is so important. In this case Mr. King was visiting Daytona for Biketoberfest and while riding helmetless along A1A, faceplanted into the side of an express delivery van that violated his right of way by turning left in front of him. The delivery driver claimed not to see him. Mr. King suffered a very serious head injury and over 30 fractures that resulted in several months of hospitalization and astronomical medical bills. The motorcyclist’s initial lawyer was prepared to accept the $1 Million primary policy limits that ABC Driver Company’s insurer offered in exchange for a release forever releasing anyone and everyone of liability. Fortunately, Mr. King and his wife were put in contact with Jeannete Lewis who was able not only to secure the $1 Million of primary limits on the driver, but an additional $1.6 Million from ABC Driver Company’s excess policy which previously had not been disclosed. Additionally, the XYZ delivery company with whom ABC had contracted to deliver packages on time, paid $5 million to settle the claim Ms. Lewis brought against XYZ under the theory that the driver company was merely an agent subject to the control of the express delivery company.
Armstrong v. ABC Bar, et al. – $1,125,000.00 – Settlement on first day of trial (Volusia County)
Armstrong was a police officer from New Jersey who was down for Bike Week. While riding his motorcycle down A1A at night, within the speed limit and using full protective gear a drunk pedestrian walked out in front of him causing a collision. The pedestrian was killed, and Armstrong suffered multiple fractures including a severed brachial plexus which resulted in a completely and permanently dead arm. Mr. Armstrong, who was married with 4 children to support no longer would work as a police officer due to his disability and because he had to be on significant pain medication on a daily basis. Jeannete Lewis sued the bar owner and operator under Florida’s Dram Shop Statute for serving the pedestrian who was, she claimed, habitually addicted to the use of any and all alcoholic beverages.