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Should I go to the doctor after my Florida car accident?

If you’re involved in an automobile accident in the state of Florida and you’ve suffered an injury or within a few days of the accident feel you’re just not yourself or you have pain or achiness, you should absolutely go to the doctor. If you have automobile insurance in the state of Florida, you have coverage that will pay up to the first $10,000 of your medical expenses. You only have 14 days though in which to get the initial medical treatment in order to perfect the contractual benefits that you have. If you don’t have auto insurance, you were a passenger in someone’s vehicle, you may have health insurance or you can piggy back on to the PIP benefits that the driver of the vehicle in which you were in has in order to pay for your medical expenses. Don’t let the absence of insurance keep you away from a doctor. Your health is paramount, and if you do have an auto claim or feel you have an auto claim, please seek the advice of a competent attorney who can help you and give you advice.